Monday, July 19, 2010

Horsey Games

Out of the blue some time ago Quinn began talking about going to "my horsey games." At first, he would just casually mention that he was going or had gone to his horsey games. Over time the stories have become more elaborate about the details of these games. These are some of the recent conversations Quinn has had regarding his horsey games:

Daddy asked, "How do you get to your horsey games?"
"I drive."
"Where is your horsey games?"
"Right by our house."
"What do you do at your horsey games?"
"We play!"

While driving through Illinois Quinn points to a large field and announces, "That's my horsey games! Hi Papa Horse!"
I say, "I remember you told me that your horsey game was right by our house."
"It is! I have eighteen hundred horsey games."

"I cannot go to the birthday party because I have to go to my horsey game."
"Oh, that's too bad, Quinn. When is your horsey game?" asked Will.
"Two o'clock."
"Well, you are going to miss the pinata, and our friends will be sad."
"That's okay. At my horsey games we have a pinata. And we are going to eat cake and sing Happy Birthday. Baby Horse is turning 4."

Will asked, "Are unicorns extinct?"
Grandma answered, "No, unicorns are not extinct. They are not real. Unicorns have never existed, so they cannot be extinct.
Quinn interrupts, "Unicorns are real. At my horsey games, we have a unicorn."

"Quinn, I am sorry you are not doing swimming lessons," apologized Will.
"That's okay, Will. At my horsey games, we have swimming lessons. We have a huge mud puddle to go swimming. Papa Horse loves to splash me," replies Quinn.

"I took mashed potatoes to my horsey games, but Papa Horse ate all of the mashed potatoes. I went to Eat-n-Park, and got 101 more mashed potatoes. There was enough for everyone to share for dinner."

Driving by a large "SALE" balloon along the side of the highway Quinn pointed out the window, "That's where my horsey games are!"
I asked, "Cool! What does that sign on the balloon say?"
"Don't eat all the mashed potatoes. They are for our dinner."

"Mom, I cannot go to bed because I have to go to my horsey game."
"I am sorry you will miss your horsey game. It is time for bed, and you need your sleep."
"Mom, can you call Papa Horse and tell him I cannot come this night? The number is 891."

"I need to go to my horsey game. Don't turn right here, Mom! Drive straight. This is not the way to my horsey game. DRIVE STRAIGHT, MOM!"
"We can drop you off at your horsey game after Will's swimming lesson."
"But I am going to be late. DRIVE TO MY HORSEY GAME, MOM!"

"It is too wet and slippery, so my horses are in the barn eating hay right now. Can we go have lunch with them?"

"Papa Horse was drinking my beerd [sic]. I put tape on his mouth, so he could not drink it. Baby Horse's mom and dad let her drink beerd [sic]."

"Baby Horse, he, is a girl."
Will corrects, "She is a girl, Quinn."
"No, he is a girl. I call him Girly."

1 comment:

Mrs. Gnome said...

Too funny! Someone is looking at horseback lessons in the future!