Thursday, July 22, 2010

Fried Green Tomatoes

For the last few days, Will has been updating me on a particular tomato's changes. On Wednesday he reported, "It is a little bit orange." Yesterday he said, "Now it is starting to be red."

This morning he headed outside and soon returned carrying the partially ripened tomato. He immediately said, "I am sorry I picked it, Mom. I was just so excited, and I wanted you to see the first tomato harvest."

Understanding his excitement, I placed the tomato on the windowsill in hopes it will ripen a bit more over the next few days.

A few hours later, Quinn quietly disappeared outside. From the kitchen window, I could see him in the garden. He returned carrying a arm full of small green tomatoes. "I wanted to pick some harvest from the garden. Look! Here is Papa Tomato, and Mama Tomato, and these are the baby tomatoes."

Inspired by his "harvest," I quickly decided to make fried green tomatoes - something I have always wanted to try. I pulled out a super simple recipe from our Better Homes and Gardens' cookbook. Will and I sliced the tomatoes. Quinn seasoned the slices, and both boys dipped them into milk, flour, egg, and breadcrumbs. I fried them in a bit of oil for a few minutes on each side.

They were delicious!

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