Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Dreaming of Home

The first tadpole to grow all four legs. Isn't he adorable? We gave him a river rock where he can sit, peek his head out of the water, and breathe fresh air. The boys have agreed that once his tail has been completely absorbed, then he will be returned to the creek - his true home "with his friends." The other 5 tadpoles have their hind legs, and within a few days they should all be basking on the rock together dreaming of home.


Me? A Mom? said...

you do the coolest activities with your kids. If I tried to grow tadpoles, the girls would have the water dumped out in a day's time. ::sigh:: Maybe a few years from now...

Meghan said...

thanks. this is the third year we have tried to grow frogs, and the first year we have been successful. sadly we have negatively impacted the frog and toad population of kiefer creek.