Saturday, March 27, 2010


We took the boys to their first hockey game. Will has always enjoyed watching the Blues on TV, and he really got into watching Team USA compete in Olympic Hockey, so I was psyched when I discovered the St. Louis Bandits. Adult tickets are $7, children are free, $1 drafts, a hockey stick giveaway, and all just minutes from our house. It was a great game. The Bandits beat the Texas Tornadoes 7-2. Will was on the edge of his seat, and at times he was standing on his seat with excitement. With each Bandits' goal, Will was slapping high fives and hugging us. Upon exiting the ice rink Will said, "Dad, that game was phenomenal!"

Will watches the fight.

Quinn does not exactly share his brother's love for hockey. He was happy to get a hockey stick and liked watching the zamboni resurface the rink, but after the first period he announced he was ready to go home. By the third period he was getting into the excitement just a bit - clapping and stomping his feet. When asked if he wanted to go to a Bandits' game again, he shook his head "No."

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