Sunday, November 8, 2009

Returning "Home"

Sadly I cannot remember the last time we went to Castlewood Park. Life has changed a bit, and we are not able to frequent the park as much as in the past. It had definitely been too long, so we took advantage of today's beautiful weather to make the trip. We spent all of our time at the creek, as the river is still high from recent rains. The water was chilly, but it did not stop the boys from jumping (almost literally) right in!

We started at the bridge and walked upstream a bit.

Quinn passed the time looking for fossils and large rocks that make a big splash when thrown.

Will searched for creek critters and successfully caught two frogs and a couple of Ozark Sculpins.

Once their shorts (yes, shorts in November!) were soaked and good and muddy we headed back to the car via the trail.

Oh, Castlewood how we missed you! Looking forward to a return trip very soon!

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