Sunday, March 8, 2009

Personalities Captured

Not quite sure that he wanted to be sitting in that studio, Quinn gnawed on his hands. Of course behind those sloppy wet fingers there is a smile!

Will looks so grown up to me in this shot. Depsite the absence of his baby fat, he will ALWAYS be my baby!

At Will's request, Daddy flipped the boys upside down for a few of the shots. Note that although he is laughing, Quinn is still chewing on his fingers.

Each year we have a picture taken of the boys holding our hands on their birthday. For some reason, Will felt the desire to kick it up a notch this year. It may look like he is doing some sort of martial arts, but in reality it is one of his "tricks" - a strange mix of hopping and dancing he often does.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great pictures of all.

Mom of Me a Mom