Sunday, March 8, 2009

Will at 4 . . .

  • thinks getting messy is an important part of having fun
  • has an excellent sense of humor. "That was just a joke, Mommy! I am just being silly."
  • creates tents and forts with sheets, blankets, and chairs.
  • digs in the sand and dirt.
  • pedals a bike.
  • asks hundreds of questions daily.
  • protects and comforts Quinn.
  • adds "actually" and "of course" into any conversation when it seems fit.
  • posesses an excellent work ethic. "Digging for a foundation" or "fixing a water main break" is serious business for Will.
  • helps with the laundry. The favorite part being removing the "blint" from the dryer.
  • gives daily fashion advice to Daddy. "Daddy, you not can wear that tie with that shirt because blue and white don't go together."
  • sings songs from Music Together, Sibling Fun, Shining Rivers, and of his own creation.
  • plans to drive a big excavator someday.
  • dreams of living in a tree house.
  • builds drills, cranes, and houses from Lincoln Logs and Tinker Toys.
  • will listen to books until Mommy's voice gives out, and then takes the stack of books to Grandma to read.
  • designs railroad layouts for Quinn's trains.
  • climbs trees, "Daddy mountain," and up slides.
  • tells stories like Miss Michiyo.
  • cares for mice Ralph and Mortimer by feeding them treats, cleaning their cage, and giving them kisses.
  • prints his first name.
  • relishes food especially kiwi, strawberries, blueberries, and chocolate.
  • performs "tricks" on the swingset.
  • conducts music class like Ms. Julie.
  • favors the colors pink and red.
  • skips rocks in the creek.
  • splashes in the puddles during a rainstorm.
  • recites random lines from favorite books . . . "ooey, gooey jam to spread," "deep in Bear Country," "all full of muck and mud," "engine, engine number 9."
  • adores his Grandma.
  • wants pet rats.
  • imagines he is being chased by a bear.
  • wears size 6/7.
  • worries about losing his curls.
  • hikes through the woods taking time to notice the wildlife.
  • wakes me during the night to share dreams. "Mom, I dreamed a dinosaur was chasing me." "In my dream I was driving a backhoe loader."
  • sets up the Little People "city" putting the farm animals in their proper barn stalls and the zoo animals each in their enclosures.
  • searches the skies for red tailed hawks and airplanes.
  • points out trucks for Quinn to see while riding in the car.
  • looks forward to another season of t-ball.
  • "fixes" things with his tools.
  • runs barefoot.
  • says, "I am getting bigger because I have mice, I can buckle my carseat, and people keep telling me I am growing sooo tall."
  • is growing up right before my eyes, and it is oh so bittersweet.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Hi Meghan!
Your post brought tears to my eyes--I hope Will had a wonderful birthday! What a great list--and the pictures turned out great.
Does Quinn always have his hands in his mouth? Aidan has been doing that a lot lately as well--especially when he is tired.
Have a great day!
Oh--are you up for a visit to Lone Elk and the Bird Sanctuaries?
Another question--how do you make it so people can post on your blog? My family says they cannot post on mine. Just curious.
Oh and one more--when you have time, I would LOVE to talk about some things.