Saturday, February 14, 2009

"Dam" Good Builders

Since the weather was beautiful earlier in the week, we spent Tuesday afternoon exploring Kiefer Creek at Castlewood Park (yet again!). Will got the idea to build a "waterfall." He enlisted Quinn and me to gather large rocks into a pile.
Being the most eager to step into the creek, it was perfect that he lifted the rocks (with much grunting) from the pile and placed them in the water.
Will was "so tired from all that hard work building the waterfall" that he stopped midway across the creek. He and Quinn agreed to return another day to continue their work laying rocks across the entire width of the creek.
Unfortunately Mother Nature had other plans, as when we returned two days later after heavy rains many of the rocks had been washed away. The rocks that remained were hidden under the rushing waters of a swollen creek. Now Will plans to "wait for the floodwaters to go down to build a new waterfall."

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