Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Enough - Redefining the American Dream

"What I need is all around me . . ."
-Jimi Thing, DMB

Prompted by their teenage daughter, an Atlanta family is "redefining the American dream." In a "life-changing" conversation, the family discussed what they needed and what was enough. In an effort to make "a little bit of difference in the world," they are selling their $1.8 million 6500-square-foot home with the promise of donating half of the proceeds and then moving into a house half the size. With the sale of their home, more than $800,000 will go to The Hunger Project helping 30 villages in Ghana.

I hope my children will grow up with a good understanding of the value of money. I also hope they have an understanding of the limitations of what money can provide. I hope my boys realize they can make a difference in the world. This story is an incredible inspiration!

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