Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Root, Root, Root for the Cardinals!

Will attended his first Cardinals game last night. JJ thought he had tickets for Wednesday, but he was mistaken. Once he realized the tickets were really for Tuesday Will was already in bed. We scrambled to get Will out of his pajamas and into his Cardinal gear. Thanks to a short rain delay they did not miss much of the start of the game.

Here is a recap of the night's events as told by Will:

"Daddy just waking me up. I was trying to go to sleep."

"We had to drive our car. ZOOM! ZOOM! We parked our car right there."

"A lady say 'Rain!' when we just walk up those steps."

"I just drink up all my lemonade. I eat my Cracker Jacks. Taste one, Mommy!"

"It was sprinkling a little bit at the Cardinals game."

"I just pick out this hat. Pink is my favorite color."

(*Note: The pink strawberry hat was his original choice, but the pink, brown & white hat is what he bought in the end.)

"We sing Take Me Out to the Ballgame."

"When the game was over I told Daddy I am ready to go home."

"There was a sidewalk for me to walk on. We walked over the bridge. The cars drive under the bridge. I just hold on to my hat, so it not fly away under the bridge. "

1 comment:

Mrs. Gnome said...

Ah, taking after his father. ;)