Monday, August 2, 2010

A Tribute to My Art Teachers

In elementary school, Ms. Trieschman was my Art teacher. She was a talented painter. She also had a love for ceramics, and creating with clay was part of the curriculum. I recall there was a special room behind her desk specifically for the kiln. I vividly remember making a pinch pot in Ms. Trieschman's class. Once my pot was formed, I used the tines of a fork to decorate the outside, and I chose a red glaze for my pot.

Years later during my senior year of high school, I took a Ceramics class with Ms. Kroeck. She was a quiet woman who smelled of patchouli and was quite gifted in ceramics. This class was more advanced than pinch pots, and I learned to coil and slab build. I remember making a vase and a teapot.

I am grateful for Ms. Trieschmann and Ms. Kroeck for fostering a love of ceramics. A love I shared with my boys during a recent visit to the creek.

After our weekly worship at the WF&P Sunday morning, we headed to Castlewood for a bit of creek exploration. The boys discovered a large area of clay along the edge, and after grabbing a handful they began to create. They sculpted airplanes, pirates ships, and plates filled with pebble "cookies." I watched for awhile, and then decided I too wanted to get my hands dirty. I went to work on a pinch pot, and Will immediately took interest. While Quinn concentrated on his work, I showed Will how to make a pinch pot.

"Papa, Mama & Baby Pinch Pot" by Will

Pinch Pot by Me

The memories of this afternoon will be forever cherished . . . the feel of the clay between my fingers, the gentle sound of the flowing water, the calm of my boys concentrating. Years from now, I hope the memories of this day are just as vivid for Will and Quinn.

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