Friday, July 9, 2010

Learning to Swim - The Progression

While Will has always enjoyed baths and wading pools, he is fearful of deep water. He has always preferred to have his entire head above the water. This spring he started putting his face (mainly his nose and mouth) in the water while in the bathtub, and just a few weeks ago he became brave enough to put his entire head under water. He also realized that he really can safely stand in water 3 feet deep.

This week he started swimming lessons. Will spent the first 10 minutes of Monday's class, looking as if he was going to start crying at any moment. He followed the instructors' directions and was willing to attempt all requests, but his body was tense. He shuddered, and he stayed quiet and serious. As his Mom, it was a bit difficult to watch.

On Tuesday, Will looked more comfortable in the water; and with each new day, he has become more relaxed. It also appears that his smile is getting bigger. Will puts so much effort into each lesson. He is the first child to go under water upon getting in the pool, and the only child who gets all of his hair wet the first time. Will is super excited about going off the diving board next week, and has invited nearly everyone he knows to come watch.






I am so proud of Will's progress in just five days, and I am also very impressed by his instructors. They have really helped to build his confidence in the water while teaching important basic skills.

On the way home today Will said, "Since I have the best swimming teachers, I need to give them a special surprise. I need to think about what special surprise I will give them."


Stephanie said...

That is so great to hear Meghan! I have avoided swimming lessons for Aidan because he is the exact same way and I feared I would be paying for lessons he would never be able to use. Maybe next year. Glad to hear your experiences have been so positive!

Me? A Mom? said...

heartwarming! Yeah, that Monday pic really says it all, doesn't it? So happy he's warming up to it!!