Saturday, July 24, 2010

Horse Heaven

The other night as we laid in bed Quinn asked, "What are we doing tomorrow?"
"I am not sure. We do not have any plans. It is going to be really hot tomorrow."
"How about we go to my horsey games? I can tell you how to get there."
"Okay," I agreed thinking this could get rather interesting.

The next morning Quinn told Will, "We are going to my horsey games today."
"Are we really going to your horsey games? Your horsey games are just in your imagination just like my bunny games so how can we go there?" Will wondered.

Although Quinn assured me he could direct me to his horsey games, I followed my own directions and headed to Longview Farm Park. I assured the boys I had a wonderful surprise.

As we pulled into the parking lot, Will immediately noticed the big white barn. "Quinn, this really is your horsey games!"

We played on the playground a bit before heading out for a walk along the trails. We walked behind the barn toward the pasture. Quinn was beside himself when we happened upon two horses grazing in the field. The boys watched for awhile, as the horses snacked on grass.

I made kissing sounds, and the "chocolate brown" horse walked up to us at the fence.

"He likes me!" Quinn announced proudly.

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