Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Black & Blue

We returned to Wind Ridge Farm for more blueberry picking this morning. The boys started out strong picking the bushes clean, but after filling the bucket half full they lost their stamina. Quinn began snacking, and Will became distracted by the blackberry bushes.

We finished one last bush, and then headed over to the rows of blackberries. Quinn continued to snack, as Will and I gathered large sweet berries.

Eventually Quinn took a break from tasting, and with Will's help he collected berries high above his head.

With berry stained hands and chins, and our tray overflowing with blackberries, we determined we were finished.

We left with 1.5 pounds of blueberries and 5 pounds of blackberries. They are perfect for snacking by the handful. The blueberries make the most delicious addition to pancakes, and vanilla ice cream is even better topped with blackberries.

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