Thursday, April 15, 2010


We had a large "hazard tree" taken down in our backyard compliments of Ameren UE. The boys and I watched the excitement from the front yard.

The men were high above the roof line.

They worked simultaneously sawing branches.

After an afternoon with two men in the tree trimming, all that remained was one large "arm."

The men returned the next morning to finish off the 20+ year old Honey Locust. When the last trunk portion hit the ground the entire house shook.

Only a third of the tree was over the power lines, and the tree trimmers put those branches through the chipper. The remainder of the branches and the logs are our responsibility.

As Will says, "Our backyard looks just awful! There are branches everywhere!" While it is overwhelming right now, I know that eventually we will reclaim our yard. Soon the brush will be hauled away, and I am attempting to use some of the larger limbs as edging in the backyard.

The trunk will probably remain for awhile, and that is okay with the boys. It stands about 3 feet tall, and Will has claimed it as "the perfect climbing spot." He likes to sit atop his backyard perch looking out upon his domain.

He has also become fascinated with the tree's rings. He repeatedly counts them, although each time he comes up with a different age.

While I am relieved to have the "hazard tree" gone from the yard (and at no cost), I greatly miss the shade it provided. Thankfully Will has become obsessed with the Maple "helicopters," and he has plans for planting several dozen. May the shade be restored one day.

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