Monday, April 19, 2010

The Basics

When I tell people we are homeschooling, the responses are often less than supportive. When I tell people we do not plan to use a formal curriculum, the responses are even more unsupportive. I have stumbled upon this belief that learning can only occur within the walls of a school. I have also stumbled upon this belief that children can only learn through direct instruction.

I believe learning occurs everywhere. I also believe that children learn naturally.

Will is the perfect example. He is a natural learner. Without any direct instruction, he is seeking out his own "education." Apparently he sees the new large stump in our backyard as the natural spot to learn "the basics."



& Arithmetic.

Without any direct instruction, he is able to retell the story within the pages of his book. Without any direct instruction, he is able to write the capital letters of the alphabet. Without any direct instruction, he is able to report the tree measures 48".

I admit that I am often baffled and amazed by his knowledge. How did he know what sound a "B" makes? Who told him how to make the letter "R"? How did he solve 4+3 so quickly in his head? How did he know what number comes after 78?

I am confident in our choice to homeschool. I love that he is learning at his own pace on his own terms. I love that he is learning naturally.

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