Saturday, February 6, 2010

Sugar Maple Festival

We attended The Sugar Maple Festival at Rockwood Reservation. It was cold and snowy, but the sap was flowing.

Will checks one of the collection buckets for sap. Sap is about 98% water and 2% sugar, so it tastes like water with a very slight hint of sweetness.

Will watches the sap cook over an open fire. It takes 40 gallons of sap to make one gallon of maple syrup.

The boys listening to My First Little House Book "Sugar Snow." Laura's Grandfather makes maple syrup and maple candies for his granddaughters.

Delicious "Sugar on Snow" Maple Syrup Taffy

Quinn sampling a bit of Rockwood Maple Syrup on pancakes.

The boys watch the Three Pot Method used by Native Americans to make maple syrup and maple sugar.

The syrup is moved from one pot to the next, so that the last pot is the most concentrated.

The Native Americans made maple sugar blocks. The sweet blocks were used in cooking as well as trading. We sampled a bit of granulated maple sugar - YUM!

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