Friday, February 12, 2010

20 Confessions

I was inspired by recent posts at The Baby Human Experience and Chasing Cheerios and decided to do a similar post.
  • I must shower first thing in the morning, otherwise I am inclined to stay in my pajamas all day.
  • I turn 34 on Sunday.
  • I will soon be sharing a home with not only my mother, but also my mother-in-law. In preparation, I have been doing some "nesting." I love "nesting!"
  • I LOVE my large blue IKEA bags. I use them for transporting laundry, toting the boys' sand toys, and collecting the paper for recycling. We even took one sledding a few weeks ago.
  • I look forward to 8pm each night when my sister calls, and we share the events of our day with each other.
  • I was the football team's "water girl" during freshman year of high school.
  • I eat the same breakfast every morning: maple & brown sugar oatmeal with dried cranberries, diced honeycrisp apple, and a splash of skim milk.
  • I have spent much time thinking and praying about growing our family. My husband has serious baby fever.
  • I balance the checkbook at least once a day. I might be a bit compulsive.
  • I often feel the urge to photograph strangers, and then offer them my e-mail address should they want the picture(s). I have even considered having business cards made for this sole purpose.
  • I am emotionally attached to my car. It was my Dad's, and I miss him like crazy!
  • I have been babysitting since I was 11, yet the thought of leaving my children with an 11 year old terrifies me.
  • I skipped my college graduation to attend a Cardinals game with friends and family.
  • I frequently debate deleting my Facebook page.
  • I often feel overwhelmed by the laundry.
  • I have given up soda more times than I would like to admit. I used to drink a can a day. Now I have a soda about every two weeks. It has been over 5 years since I have "relied" on caffeine.
  • I believe that tandem nursing greatly contributed to the boys' incredible relationship.
  • I gather items for Freecycle or Goodwill when I am worried about our finances.
  • I pray that I am able to care for my Mom as her Parkinson's progresses.
  • I have THE best job in the world, and I plan to never again work outside the home.


Anonymous said...

Nice! I didn't know most of those things about you. I can't believe you are going to have your mom and m.i.l. living with you soon. The boys are going to relish those prescious moments of grandmas in the house!
I hope you can maintain! And I think you should have another baby. Especially because it's you and not me.

Stephanie said...

I am so glad to hear you are thinking about adding another little one to your family--no pressure though!! No worries about the checkbook thing--I completely relate. :)

Heather said...

Meghan, this was great! Thanks for sharing. :)

M said...

That's awesome that the boys get to have such close relationships with their grandmothers! Our similar living arrangement has been a real blessing to everyone in our household. :-)

Anonymous said...

Nice to read these things about you.--some I knew and some were new. :)