Sunday, December 20, 2009

A Dusting

The boys were ecstatic to wake up to "snow" on Saturday morning. They could hardly wait to sled, shovel, make snow angels, and throw snowballs. The fact that it was just a light dusting of snow was not going to spoil their plans.

Will holds a snowball intended for me.

Quinn listens intently as Will shares his plan to "get Mommy."

Quinn takes his shovel for a sleigh ride.

A rosy cheeked snow bunny ready for a mug of hot cocoa.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jaden and Mason wanted to go sledding. But Mason did manage to create a decent snow angel (well, a grass and snow angel). We then spent the time playing "spy", as Mason calls it, which is pretty much hide-and-go-seek, and sifting through a bucket of interesting rocks from camping.