Sunday, November 22, 2009

A Monarch Success

Since late August Will has had his heart set on catching a monarch butterfly. We saw many of them, especially during the mass migration in late September, but we were not always properly equipped or more often just not fast enough with our nets.

Seeing that it was late November I figured the catch would have to wait until next year, but Will spotted one on a bush at the creek. "MOM! MOM! A monarch! Quick! Catch it if you can!"

I managed to catch the monarch with one of our nets and carefully placed it in our "bug box." Will spent some time admiring the butterfly. "Look how beautiful! He is orange and black with white spots."

When Will decided it "was time to let him go back to his friends at the creek," I assisted the butterfly out of the box using the stick of our net. Before taking flight, the monarch posed for a few pictures.

I completely agree, Will! What a beautiful creature!


Anonymous said...

Very cool, Meghan! Where did you get your bug box and net?

Meghan said...

we bought a dozen nets at deals for $1 each at the beginning of the summer. we also bought 4 bug boxes at the same price at deals. we have two surviving nets - some we left behind w/ others at the creek, and some broke b/c they are cheap and crappy. we no longer have any of those bug boxes, although they were great for bugs and aquatic critters. we also picked up a few bug boxes at walgreens last spring, but again cheap plastic crap does not last too long around here. our current bug box is from powder valley. i really like it except for the fact that will has misplaced the plug. powder valley also has better nets that i plan to get once our last two give way. as for our new bug box, will wants to use a gallon sized apple juice container.

sorry you asked?