Sunday, October 18, 2009

Photos by JJ Lane

It is funny how the internet allows us the opportunity to meet people who probably we would not otherwise have met. I began reading JJ Lane's blog The Baby Human Experience awhile back. Overtime, I have bought slings from her and quite frequently run into her around town. We share an interest in babywearing, breastfeeding, and photography (although my skills are nowhere near hers). Recently she offered to do a photo shoot, and I jumped at the opportunity. I thought pictures of the boys and me would make a great birthday surprise for Daddy. We met JJ at Tower Grove Park this morning. Surprisingly Quinn immediately hammed it up for the camera, while Will took a bit longer to warm up. While I have not seen all of the pictures she shot, she did send me a little sampling this evening. I just LOVE the results!

Beautiful silhouette of the boys looking up at an airplane. I love how it is framed by the architecture of the pool pavilion. A friend pointed out that the trees almost form a heart above their heads. So sweet!

The boys sitting on the plaid quilt I had made for my JJ last Christmas. I love the boys' sun halos.

I cannot wait to see all of the other shots. Thanks, JJ!


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to give you the rest!
Always a pleasure.

SunflowerStories said...

How nice!