Monday, August 10, 2009

3, 2, 1 . . . BLAST OFF!

Will has been a bit obsessed with all things rocket - blasters, ships, shooters. I am not excatly sure where it originated, but I can connect it to a couple of Berenstain Bear books and his well loved fleece rocket pajamas from last winter. Yesterday we stopped in at a new hobby shop, and Will was so excited to find a rocket kit on sale. Depsite the suggested "Ages 8 & up" on the label, I made the purchase. We took the kit home, and I spent the next two hours cutting, gluing, and assembling the double engine rocket. Nevermind painting or decorating the rocket. Will was ready to launch it as soon as the glue was dry. We searched for an empty field, but ended up settling for an empty middle school parking lot.

Will set up the rocket for the first launch, and it was a perfect launch. The rocket sailed through the air, the parachute opened, and it landed amongst the bushes.

Quinn prepared the rocket for its second launch.

Now aware of the loud noises the rocket produces, Will covers his ears for Quinn's launch. This time the rocket shoots straight up in the air, quickly nosedives into the pavement leaving the parachute still packed and the nose cone destroyed.

Daddy wanted a turn launching the rocket despite its damage. We attempted to re-attach the nose cone and loosened the parachute. Surprisingly the damaged rocket shot high and straight, and once again the parachute malfunctioned and the rocket nailed the asphalt.

Will surveys the damage and notes, "It probably won't fly anymore."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You do so many interesting things with those boys. It amazes me.