Saturday, June 20, 2009

Our Staycation

Gateway to the West
My boys looking up at the Arch.
Will covers his ears in preparation for the Tom Sawyer Riverboat to blow its horn.

Quinn listens to the park ranger talk about the history of St. Louis while cruisin' the Mississippi River.

Will cools off with a lemonade. This vintage firetruck snack vendor serves St. Louis favorites: Gus' Pretzels, Serendipity Ice Cream, and Fitz's Root Beer in addition to super yummy lemonade.


Anonymous said...

Love the photo of the arch! Glad the boys enjoyed the circus, the tot-time was just long enough, don't ya think?

Anonymous said...

You certainly do a lot of great things with you boys. The memories they will have from they're childhood are priceless.

Mom of me a mom

Anonymous said...

I really do have better grammer skills.

Mom of me a mom