Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Once Again . . .

. . . please excuse my blogging absence. I cannot believe it has been almost 3 weeks since my last post. Here is what is filling our schedule:

attending festivals such as Earth Day and Mayfest,

Catapulting Water Balloons

Making a Jump Rope

riding bikes along trails and at home,

planting new flowers,

acting silly,
checking on the flooded Meramec River,
working in the meadow at school,
exploring new parks,
Kirkwood Park
Ballwin Point Park
cooling off in the sprinkler (since the a/c in the car is broken),
worshipping at Our Lady of the WF&P Railroad on Sunday mornings,

playing LOTS of Go Fish!,
visiting with neighbors,
and laughing often!


Anonymous said...

I was wondering where you've been, especially since I've seen you in person!!

Dawn said...

Hi there,
Was visiting on a friends blog, clicked on a comment and then on your blog! We are in So Cal but my mom lives in St. Louis. Neat to see spots I recognize! I'll put you in my favs and will be back soon.
~Dawn :)

Anonymous said...

What a great mom you are to do so many different things with your boys.They will have many great memories as they grow up.

Mom of me a mom