Saturday, April 25, 2009

Mighty Machines

We attended Budrovich's "Meet the Machines" today, and the boys were in BIG truck heaven!

Will wrote his name on the blade of the bulldozer after exploring inside the cab awhile.
After waiting in line for over an hour, Quinn and Will finally get the chance to man the backhoe loader with the help of a Budrovich operator.
Will operating a mini excavator. Unfortunately I missed the shot when he pushed the joystick just right to lift one side of the excavator off of the ground. When telling Daddy about the incident he said, "I almost tipped the excavator over. I don't know what I was doing!"
Quinn was a bit overwhelmed by the opportunity to actually "drive a mini excavator."
The boys finished off the day in the sandbox with diggers and dumpers of a smaller scale.


Anonymous said...

I swear I took an identical shot of that same flag! Funny!
Looks like your kids got way more into the event than Syl, maybe next year!

majormom226 said...

Looks like an awsome day! I can't wait to d stuff like this with David.