Monday, March 23, 2009

Birthday MVP!

We celebrated Will's birthday with family and friends over the weekend. In keeping with the Cardinals theme that Will chose, we served hotdogs, nachos, and a Gus' STL pretzel . The weather was beautiful, and after eating the stadium fare the boys played a game of baseball.
Will's got on his game face!

Quinn watches the game from the lap of his favorite girl Aunt Anna.

Will was super excited that his final hit won the game!
Quinn and Will plant their own personal "Field of Dreams."
Will and Cousin Tony explore the sensory table filled with Cardinal feed.
We finished off the party with "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" and a pink baseball cake.
Cousin Tony swings a sugar hyped Will.

**We have always asked our guests to bring children's books for Circle of Concern in lieu of gifts. I am thrilled that Will collected over 140 books this year, as I know the children served by Circle of Concern will be appreciative.

1 comment:

Eli Harris said...

omgosh. my mom used to take me once a month it seemed, to Gus's and to Dad's cookie company. I miss doing that. Olivia had her 6th birthday in Feb. and we asked her girly guests from school to bring books instead of gifts and then we donated them to her school library. we, of course, didnt get 140 but Im sure the library appreciated the 6 or so that she did donate. Hope quinn feels better soon. My kids have been sick a lot this last month or more and currently are sucks.