Monday, December 1, 2008

The First Snow

Will was so excited to see the ground covered in white upon waking up this morning. "Mom, we got to play in the snow before it all dries up!" He was giddy about making snow angels.

He also was anxious to test out his front loader's ability to push the snow.

Quinn, on the other hand, did not share Will's excitement. For quite some time, he watched Will and I from the dryness of the back steps.

Eventually Quinn warmed up to the snow.
He quickly realized it is much more fun to go for a sleigh ride than to pull the sleigh.
Quinn also discovered the amusement of throwing snowballs at Mommy!
Before heading inside for hot cocoa, Will wanted to make a snowman. Since Quinn had had his fill of snow and was ready to head indoors at this point, we had to make a mini snowman. Will did all of the rolling himself, and Grandma gathered the baby carrot nose and brown M&M eyes. Very cute!

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