Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Apples of My Eye

For months, Will and Quinn have been observing the apple tree around the block anticipating the day when the apples would be ready for picking. As we would pass by each day, they would take note of the size and color of the apples. "I think they are getting bigger! They got a little bit of red on them now!" Somedays they would find apples that had fallen to the ground and eagerly picked up these "treasures" to put in their nature basket. Everyday they would ask if it was time to go apple picking. This past week Will noted that the apples were big (relatively speaking) and red. "I think it is time to go apple picking!" he said confidently. I agreed!

We met friends at Centennial Farms today. The drive to and from Augusta was peaceful. It appears that we are going to have a beautiful autumn, as some of the trees are beginning to show some awesome color. It was a grey day, but the threat of rain did not dampen our spirits. The air was cool, and thankfully the bees were nowhere to be seen.

The boys enjoyed the tractor ride to the orchard. We picked about 15 pounds of apples before returning to the barn. Before eating lunch, we stopped by for a visit with the turkeys and chickens. We also picked up a few sweet treats at the country store - Peach Loaf, Chocolate & Summer Squash Loaf, Watermelon Honey Sticks, and two Double Chocolate Brownies (one for the boys, and one for Grandma). I am wishing I had bought some Strawberry-Rhubarb Preserves too!

Quinn finds apples at just his height.

Will reaches for the apples at the top of the tree.

Quinn offering apples to one of his girlfriends.

"Bye-bye Apples! Bye-bye Apples!"

Will and Riana pose behind the tractor before heading back to the barn.

Our bounty of Jonathan and Golden Delicious!

Will is looking forward to making an apple pie and applesauce! I am thinking Apple Oatmeal sounds good for breakfast tomorrow. YUM!

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