Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Do You Speak Will?

It seems that Will is forever experimenting with language and making up new words. Last night he and Quinn were bathing when he said, "Quinn, we need to put your smaggle on so you stay safe in the street."
I asked, "What is a smaggle?"
"A smaggler says 'Stay out of our dirt pile!'"
A few minutes later he was telling Quinn, "We need to use this smaggle to flatten out the road."

This morning Will awoke saying, "I want to go to Tumble, Tumble today."
Having never heard of "Tumble, Tumble" I said, "Tell me about Tumble, Tumble."
"It's right by Subway and Grant's Farm. You can bake bread there like at Shining Rivers. You put it in the grumper, and then you can eat it." he explained.

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