Friday, June 6, 2008

Friday Wrap-Up

In an effort to avoid any flaming for overposting, I am going to pack the events of the past week into one solitary post.

Is it August?

Gotta love summer in St. Louis! HEAT & HUMIDITY! Will and Quinn have spent much time splashing in the pool and running through the sprinkler.

Choo! Choo!

Sunday was our first visit of the season to the Wabash Frisco & Pacific Railroad. The highlights included a pair of mallards swimming in the floodlands, a small box turtle walking alongside the track, and an ice cream truck selling frozen goodies right next to our car.


The early morning storms kept us indoors, but the boys still had a blast! There was music, dancing, sand, paint, water, glue, snacks, and a story - what more could the boys want?
Upon arriving home Grandma said, "Hope that is not a new shirt Will is wearing. He must have had a lot of fun!"
It was a new shirt, but after washing there is only a hint of the blue and pink paint.

So Long, Goodbye, Farewell My Friend!
I remember our first Music Together class very clearly. Quinn was snug in my sling. Will sat cautiously on my lap, but Ms. Christy was so warm and welcoming. As soon as the scarves appeared and “Lauren's Waltz” began playing Will danced so gracefully with his scarf. At that moment I turned to JJ and with tears in my eyes I said, “This moment right here makes it worth every penny!"

Wednesday was our last Music Together with Ms. Christy. After spending one morning a week with her for almost two years, she has become like family. Will adores her, and she has had such an incredible impact on the boys. Until we meet again, my friend . . .

Helmets = Scooters?
On Thursday we headed to City Hall to pick up bike helmets for the boys, as Manchester is handing them out free of charge. I do LOVE free! Will and Quinn are a bit obsessed with their new head gear. Will really wanted to wear his into Dierbergs while grocery shopping, but we decided it would be best just to tell everyone about it. He has also determined that since he has a helmet it only makes sense to get that pink scooter he has been eyeing. Quinn wants to wear his "hat" all of the time. The only problem is he wants to buckle it, and then place it on his head backwards. Not so sure it will be of much protection!

Grow, Plants, Grow!

We bought a double knockout rose bush and other assorted full sun perennials, so I can pretend to garden. The boys were quite helpful in digging the necessary holes. Before placing each plant in the ground, Will needed to inspect the roots and make a slurping sound. Quinn was in charge of watering the newly planted flowers. He took it upon himself to water the house, his mom, the sky, and Will too!

Going to the ZOO, ZOO, ZOO . . .

The Jones Boys as River Otters - Quinn is a sleepy otter!

Loving the fountains!

Thinking they were like his puppies, Quinn got nose to nose with the goats awaiting kisses.

The view is so much better from atop Daddy's head!

Up close with the penguins.

1 comment:

Mrs. Gnome said...

Flamed? Maybe we are just jealous that you are so interesting and we are so boring. ?