Friday, April 18, 2008

Right Before My Eyes

October 2006

I realize growing up is inevitable, but I am in such denial. Sometimes reality slaps me in the face. Yesterday was one of those times. As the boys sat side-by-side on the "big boy" swings, it hit me really hard. Although they will always be my babies, babyhood really is over. It is bittersweet. No longer do they sleep in my arms or nurse for hours on end. They have moved on . . . climbing trees, dancing jigs, telling stories, digging holes, building forts, chasing bears, and singing songs. Watching them explore and discover the world around them is exciting - adventure awaits around every corner!

April 2008

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sister, I completely understand. As we approach Sophia's 3rd birthday, Aidan's second and Olivia going to kindergarten in the fall, Im on the verge of a panic attack. lol. Hugs.