Saturday, April 26, 2008

Batter Up!

After two weeks of inclement weather, t-ball finally started today. It proved to be as amusing as I predicted. The players received their neon "jerseys" and were sent out to the field for some warm-up exercises. Will was quick to race out in the grass with his teammates, but he passed on the stretching. He just watched with a dazed look on his face as all of the children and adults foolishly touched their toes and reached for the sky.

Coach Jennifer and Coach Virginia then showed the players how to stand in the ready position and introduced groundballs. Will was a bit tired this morning, so he preferred to sit in the ready position. He looked more like a football player, but sitting did seem to work to his advantage while catching groundballs.

After a bit of catching, it was time to introduce the proper steps for throwing a ball:
1. Hold the ball up to your ear.
2. Point your glove at your target.
3. Step forward.
4. Throw the ball.

The practice ended with a tour of the bases. The mass chaos of two dozen 3 & 4 year olds running the bases was quite entertaining. I cannot wait until the games begin!

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